Welcome to the blog dedicated to exposing my weird sense of humor for your enjoyment with a hint of environmental friendliness. When I'm not writing about crazy happenings in my day to day life, I'm making people aware of the environment and how they can do their part to keep it clean. I'm not the Go Green Nazi & I'm not saying you have to be Davie Crockett w/ your coonskin cap or force your family to live like the Swiss Family Robensons- just a simple plant on your desk at work or sitting out on your back patio is fine. If I can get just one person to even think & be more aware of the environment around them, I know I've played my part in helping out, no matter how small it may seem.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Bring out the artillary!!

Ok, so the squirrel dug in another flower pot of mine & I'm now plotting his death. I'm debating between mothballs & reinacting the scene where the mentally unstable goundskeeper Carl in Caddyshack is putting together fake gophers & planting bombs in them. I now always think that that devious squirrel is like the crazy gopher from the movie. Per some research online, mothballs are most effective when in an inclosed area, like an old person's clothing box. Hmmm....why do old people & mothballs always go together?.....that's something I can look into later.....anyways- I think this is still along the same idea as the rat poison & not environmentally safe b/c I'm not sure what damage it would do to the plants. Wouldn't that be something- trading one evil for another! So I guess my solution will have to be to trick the fat happy squirrel into thinking is squirrel buddy wants to hang out w/ him near my apt steps. Just when he starts wondering why his friend is not into his peanut, CABLAMO! no more squirrel, YESSSSS! Great big gobs of greasy grimmy squirrely guts - muahahaha!

I go on vacation this weekend so we'll see what happens when I get back.....if there's any of my planting pots knocked over & I suspect the squirrel as the culprit......"I'll give you a war you won't believe"

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Let's get rid of our junk mail....& help the planet!

Here's a company I thought I'd share w/ you guys: 41pounds.org -They get their name from the average amount of junk mail a person gets in a year. According to some disturbing statistics, companies produce 4 million tons of junk mail a year - the process of making this mail results in 100 million tress destroyed, 28 billion gallons of water wasted, and energy equivalent to 2.8 million cars. In addition, $320 million of local taxes are spent to dispose of junk mail each year instead of providing parks, libraries, health care and other valuable services. Ummmm, note to everyone - this is a helluva lot of $$ & wasted products just to sent crap we all just through away!

What the company does: for a fee of just $41 that covers five years services, they contact 20 to 30 direct mail companies on your behalf to stop the majority of bulk mail that comes to your home every day. You can contact them any time with additional household names to protect or more direct mail companies to block.

What's the benefit?: Ummm, well, #1 - it's obvious that you'd stop getting junk mail, I think that's benefit enough! #2-for each person who signs up for their service, they donate more than 1/3 of the $41 fee to community and environmental organizations. These organizations plant trees, protect watersheds and strengthen our communities. I'm pretty sure that this is a win-win situation here people. Examples of these organizations are: stopglobalwarming.org, Habitat for Humanity, and American Forests.

Starting seeds at my apt for the first time!

Ok, I've decided to try my hand at growing Black-eyed Susan's in my apt. The elements are against me but I'm determined to do this dammit!:

Problem #1 There's the crazyass cat of mine that I'm sure will want to scope out the new seedlings (& possibly bat at them & tear them out!).
Possible Solution: grow the seedlings in the bathroom by the window & close the door. I know this will obviously keep the cat out, but I'm hoping this is the ideal place for the seeds to grow - a muggy, tropical like bathroom.

Problem #2 Once the seedlings are ok to transplant, there's the crazyass fat squirrel outside (are you seeing a pattern here w/ crazyass animals yet) that thinks it's funny to dig in my pots and stash his peanuts & whatnots that he finds.....one day he'll get his - he has to cross a busy road sometime!
Possible Solution: not sure yet - trying to think of something that doesn't involve a BB gun or rat poison (remember - I'm pro nature, but this is soooo tempting!)

Keep checking back on the seed-saga ......maybe we should start making bets as to how much the seeds will grow & if & when they kick the bucket, will it be the cat or the squirrel that claims victory!