Welcome to the blog dedicated to exposing my weird sense of humor for your enjoyment with a hint of environmental friendliness. When I'm not writing about crazy happenings in my day to day life, I'm making people aware of the environment and how they can do their part to keep it clean. I'm not the Go Green Nazi & I'm not saying you have to be Davie Crockett w/ your coonskin cap or force your family to live like the Swiss Family Robensons- just a simple plant on your desk at work or sitting out on your back patio is fine. If I can get just one person to even think & be more aware of the environment around them, I know I've played my part in helping out, no matter how small it may seem.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Meet my new husband

So all of you know I've been on a mission to find the man of my dreams & I think I've found him! Meet my new husband, Robin Thicke. For those of you who are living under a rock, he's only the hottest singer EVER! I have a back up list just incase he wants a divorce: Dominic Purcel & Wentworth Miller from Prison Break, Vin Diesel, & Daniel Craig (the new James Bond). Some of the other girls here in the office claim that they're already married to Robin, but I know Robin wouldn't do that to me! You know you're jealous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Robin Thicke makes Richard Simmons look like Hugh Hefner.